© Daniel Gordon
Photography is evolving at an astounding speed. The very definition of pictures—who makes them, and what happens to them—is in a constant state of flux. The discussion will consider how artists and institutions are responding to contemporary pressures. What do the democratization and dematerialization of photography mean to those who make, sell and curate photography? Photography is being redefined by new technology and social media, but what does that mean in terms of photography's history? Is the art world prepared to mediate a discourse on the nature of imaging as it radically metamorphoses?
The talk is being held in connection with Art in America's March issue, devoted for the first time to American photography. Feature articles include coverage of Zoe Strauss's streetwise Philadelphia photography, Robert Adams's cool West Coast vistas, and author Luc Sante's character study of Weegee. (via)
450 Park Avenue
15MARCH, 6.30pm
If you haven't already, pick up this month's issue of Art In America, dedicated to photography with wonderful, insightful articles on all things photo. One particularly great read, Photography Objet Manque by Claire Barliant. Happy reading!
I love Tribble and Mancenido
We LOVE you Zoe!!!! Great article in AiA!!!!! <3
I have been think of you guys a lot, because I worked on this Billboard Project and so many of the billboards are along urban truck routes... I've been meaning to write you a long thing about how I keep seeing your work and ideas when I'm checking out traffic patterns as these drivers move briefly into a completely different environment, not Trucker culture stops or the long stretches of road, but these tight and difficult to navigate streets in an old city build before cars. Thanks for making Hurry Up and Wait!
Thanks Zoe, means truck loads to us! And speaking of tight spots, our photographs never taken. Although we must say, there are a few tilted lamp posts and bent-up fences (esp. in Newark) with our names on it....shhhhh!! We need to come to Philly and hang soon!
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