Sunday, October 3, 2010

Super Trucks #40

When you weigh your tractor-trailer at a CAT Scale you also get a Super Trucks trading card hidden between the two copies of your weigh ticket. Sort of a treat for truck drivers, bringing back memories of crackerjack boxes, and when toys actually came inside the cereal box, without having to mail in upc bar codes and paying for s+h. We've accrued a bunch from our travels, though not as many as we'd like since most companies and dc's had their own scales, so rarely did we need to use a CAT scale which was around $7.50 when we used to weigh, but is now $9! You weigh your truck (with loaded trailer) to make sure you're not overweight and that you have the correct amount of weight on each axle. Not doing so, you could get a mean ticket from DOT when you go through mandatory DOT scales off of interstates. We used to call those chicken coops.

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