Thursday, January 7, 2010

Twenty Ten

Back from a much needed holiday....

Oil Spill, Gary, IN 2008

in a nutshell we:

were tourists for a few days catching up on shows, films, etc
made some new images :)
sold a piece
nestled ourselves in a winter house in the woods
lit some fires, drank some eggnog...good times

...and we're back.

Will be catching some openings tonight together for the first time in a long while and look forward to seeing some familiar friendly faces.

Also, we've recently been featured in a few online venues you can check out here:
Slightly Lucid

And received Honorable Mention for Silver Eye's 2009 Fellowship.
Below is a list of the winner and fellow stellar Honorable Mentions:

Fellow: Katrina d'Autremont

Honorable Mentions:
Shen Wei
Sarah Balch
Bradley Peters
Maureen Drennan
Shane Lavalette
Jason Reblando
James Tribble & Tracey Mancenido :)
Daniel Traub
Janet L. Pritchard
Susan Worsham

Got some exciting things planned and up our sleeves for the new year!!!

More soon....

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