Saturday, September 5, 2009

Kehinde, Jake, and Amy

L: After Sir Joshua Reynolds' Miss Susanna Gale, 2009 © Kehinde Wiley
R: Jake, Brooklyn, NY. 2006 © Amy Elkins

Besides the obvious similarities between these two images (both paying homage to Seydou Keita), there is more reason to why we've decided to post them side by side. This was last week for us in a nutshell. Fall is here and while most openings have waited until after labor day, some hidden gems snuck in before then. Black Light, Kehinde Wiley's latest show at Deitch Projects opened last week. For this series, he moved away from painting his portraits, to utilizing the integral part of his process of photographing them while still keeping the image inherent of his portraiture.

Our dear friend Jake Ehrlund (photographed by also good friend Amy Elkins whom we saw at the opening) was staying with us this past week. We haven't seen Jake in over three years and spent the days reacquainting ourselves. Our lives have always seemed to be running parallel (with several exceptions of course) and it will be good to have him back in NY.

We look forward to next week's opening madness!!

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